Making your come back…9 steps to consider.
Whilst the recently announced government roadmap is ambitious, it has given hope to many that we can soon be released from the confines of our own homes, remote working and Zoom…
Like many, I have become far too comfortable with hosting my meetings, events and training sessions via online video platforms and whilst exciting, I’d be the first to admit I am also slightly anxious at what lies ahead, when the world reopens.
When Friday’s arrive I often feel exhausted from all of the conversations and energy I have put into keeping connected through the screen and then the realisation hits me that I haven’t actually been in the physical presence of any one of the people I have interacted with- bonkers to say the least and a true example of how times have changed and how we as humans adapt so well and ‘just get on with it’.
Yes, we may have gone through every emotion available to us this past year, felt like climbing the walls and had a little cry into our cuppa’s, but we have without doubt done amazingly well to adapt to this crazy thing we now call life- humans are brilliant at doing that aren’t they?
So, let us give ourselves a pat on the back for how far we’ve come and dare to look ahead at what is yet to come in a positive light- the end is nye (the end of lockdown that is).
Question: Have you considered how things may look in your business when we re-emerge?
If not, then now is the time to do just that and to start prepping for your business come back.
Here are 9 things to consider:
- Reflection: Take the time to look back at what your business was pre Covid, what elements have changed since and how does it look now.
- Make a list: List all the challenges you have faced and possibly overcome during this time, as well as the opportunities and positives that have occurred – I assure you there will be at least one!
- Let go: What could you now let go of in your business? Things you no longer need, things that are no longer relevant, things that no longer serve you- strip it back.
- What’s new? What have you introduced this past year as a result of your ‘adapt and overcome strategy’, or what new things do you plan to introduce into your business – perhaps a new product or service?
- Your network: Look at your current network around you- your team, contacts list, customers, suppliers – are you still in talks with everyone or have you lost touch with certain people you need to re-connect with? Are you happy to move on from certain people or is it just a case of making an effort to rebuild that relationship? It’s time to reinforce your tribe; those you want to take forward with you and to let go of the rest who do not serve you.
- Operations & infrastructure: Were you happy with how your business operated on a daily/weekly/monthly basis? Could things run smoother with a bit of time and effort injected into your processes? It’s time to get organised, re-look at systems, let go of what is no longer working for you, introduce automation for efficiency and sample new software and platforms where relevant.
- Marketing: Have you changed your message and communication style this past year? If not, this should have been done yesterday, but do not panic it’s not too late- start putting together a new marketing strategy, integrating potential new communication platforms and campaigns- don’t be afraid to get creative at this point and try new things.
- Your audience: Relook at who they are, profile them, then ask yourself- are they your perfect customer? If not, how can you find your people, your audience? Change your message and seek them out!
- Finances: Have they decreased this year? Do you know your numbers? How can you get it back on track and more?
There is no one answer, it is a combination of the implementation of all of the above, plus good old fashioned hard work and determination- something you all have inside of you.
Dig deep and bring it back to the service- you can do it!
Fiona Duncan-Steer
For assistance in planning your come back road map contact me: